"That heaviness within me appears beautiful because it is what you have left for me. I am sinking in your memories and it is excruciatingly painful" 

Every one of us will have such a bleak past. Most of us will struggle to move on from it. That pain in us will gradually drain us until we give up on everything. Life will end up being a dark cave where nothing appears to be beautiful. Millions of thoughts will ruin our minds and make us sick. Seeing our past life partner with someone else causes soul-wrenching pain, and it raises a plethora of questions in our minds. Why did all of this have to happen to me?

Yes, its very painful but we should keep in mind that what meant to happen is not our choice, yet, after this we can choose how things should be. Sometimes, even if we are the one who broke things off, our world may appear to be devoid of substance, color, and meaning. A heartbreak, on the other hand, can inspire unexpected self-growth and provide us with a sense of individuality and vitality that we didn't know was possible. 

Clinging to relationships and material items in our lives, attaching ourselves to their permanent status, is the cause of much of our suffering. If we can accept that everything in life is fleeting, we free ourselves to fully experience people, places, and things while avoiding the pain associated with attachment. We may be resentful, hurt, or disillusioned. We feel that we will never trust anyone again. The quickest way to recover from a breakup, however, is to continue to love deeply and to open your heart to the possibility of future love.

When a relationship ends, it's easy to focus on what went wrong or what you could have done better. This may appear to be productive as if reiterating it will somehow change things. All dwelling does is make us unhappy. Pull yourself back into the present moment when you find yourself ruminating on the past. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your current situation, such as the friends who are there for you and the lessons you've learned that will help you in future relationships.

It might be helpful to tell your friends that you can only vent for ten minutes at a time. That way, you can express your emotions without drowning in them. It also make you feel secured. Among all of this, the most significant  one is we may believe that we made the biggest mistake of our life and that if we hadn't done it, we would not be in pain right now. Don't take that path. No, Never. Nothing there's good down there!

Instead, remind yourself that you are only human. We have the right to make mistakes and trust me everyone does. And eventually will learn from them and apply what we have learned to better our life. Also, remember that if you want to feel love again, the first step is to prepare yourself to give and receive it. You will only be able to do so if you love yourself. That includes forgiving yourself. Move on and lead a great life. 

All of us deserve to be happy! Yes! 💓


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